I think the photos say it all… the first pic is the last day before leaving the boarding place for the summer… the next is Friday just after getting their new blankets adjusted so the two would be warm and dry for the rainy weekend.
Same two horses, same paddock, a whole season later!
Let’s see… I am proud to say I have a Master’s degree… and I’m ashamed to say it will be several years before I do anything with it. This is mainly because my current, completely non-major related job, offered me a promotion after I got back from finishing my school program. All these things explain my complete lack of blogs. I have managed to keep playing round with the horses though!
What else… August we spent just getting Bear back into some even remote level of fitness after his lazy summer in pasture. September I found a gal to half lease him! She has ridden a ton in the past but is just getting back into it after about five years off. He’s been a perfect fit for her! She is taking lessons on him with my dressage trainer, and it’s a great fit for me too since I can ride a couple days a week but not feel like I’m neglecting him the rest of the time. For now it’s great. So far in October he’s done a super fun poker ride, and moved back to boarding.
It seems like he grows every summer. I measured him the other day and he was just shy of 16 hands! He’s looking so much better weight wise than he was last spring too. He looks more like a real horse!
He’s been a fun treat to hop on bareback, or take around the arena for a quick ride. He’s so easy that it doesn’t take much mental or physical energy to ride him, just a treat, every time.
In other news, I volunteered as a jump judge at Woodside a couple of weekends ago, and had a blast! I hope to have both horses trained up to compete at Beginner Novice next spring that way if Lola sells before I ever compete with her, I’ll still have Bear semi-ready for the show season. It will be my first plunge into actually competing in the eventing world. I’m oh so excited!